My tutor introduced me to a software called 'Dragon frame', which allowed me to capture images of my animation every twenty seconds, which makes the process seem shorter as you play them back in a sequence, and I am pleased that the sequence connects each image seem connected, as if movement is taking place without any time being taken out in between each image. As I played back the animation half way through, I had thought about slowing down the sequence, however, I realise that that would destroy the illusion of movement, so I have repeated some of the frames so the viewer is able to take in the final scenes properly, and this increases the length of the film, so it meets the minimum requirement of thirty seconds in length. I have also used Cut Pro software in order to edit the sounds of the animation and to make sure it is linked with the video. I haven't managed to create my own music using because I didn't have time, and I needed to make sure that my animation was finished first so I could work out when the tone of the music is supposed to change.
I found this project difficult because I was given half the time to produce my work, which disables me from producing as much work as I would have liked to produce, and I have less time to feel engaged with the work I am doing. I have however, found this animation as a whole different and refreshing because I was given the chance to develop new skills in audio and video software as well as being able to use the darkroom, which will demonstrate in my portfolio my range of knowledge and my diverse use of materials.
In order to improve, I would put background music into my animation and manage the timings of the film more effectively. One area of success that I am pleased with is my range of research and how I have connected them in order to act as inspiration for my project. I am also pleased with how I have developed my storyboard because I have taken on my tutor's advise and made the narrative more obvious to the viewer so I don't need the narrate the animation for the viewer. I think this is effective because graphic designers don't explain stories through sound, they communicate through imagery and text, which is what I have done; I have relied on Meg Cabot's quote to sum up the story as a whole, which also allows the viewer to interpret other things into the story.
This is the link to my final animation :
This is the link to my final animation :